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Jason-1 Spacecraft Animation
October 31, 2001
Jason-1 Spacecraft Animation
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
In this illustration, the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft - the world's latest sea-level satellite - orbits Earth with its deployable solar panels extended.
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite Orbits Earth (Illustration)
Oceans of Climate Change
Oceans of Climate Change
Mike Davis in front of the faring
Mike Davis in front of the faring
Jason-1 Launch - Artists Concept
Jason-1 Launch - Artists Concept
OSTM/Jason-2 - All instruments plus data animation
OSTM/Jason-2 - All instruments plus data animation
Growing up in landlocked Zimbabwe, NASA JPL engineer Shailen Desai was far from the ocean but still experienced its effects on the climate. Now, he is contributing to an international effort to tra...
NASA Engineer Helps Track the Global Impacts of Rising Seas
The Jason-3 satellite, launched on January 17, 2016, is allowing scientists to continue a 23-year record of crucial ocean monitoring.
ScienceCasts: Measuring the Rising Seas
OSTM/Jason-2 Line Drawing
OSTM/Jason-2 Line Drawing
Jason-3 Lifts Off!
Jason-3 Lifts Off!
Mission team members perform acoustic tests of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite in a chamber outfitted with giant speakers that blast the spacecraft with sound. This is to ensure that the ...
Testing of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite
Launch preparations are progressing! (11/21/01) Photos: Stacy Mitchell of John Hopkins APL/TIMED project
Launch preparations are progressing! (11/21/01) Photos: Stacy Mitchell of John Hopkins APL/TIMED project
Inside half of the Delta Clam shell faring
Inside half of the Delta Clam shell faring
Jason-3 Animation
Jason-3 Animation
Earth’s global sea levels are rising – and are doing so at an accelerating rate.
Rising Waters: A Warmer World
Jason-1 in full flight configuration
Jason-1 in full flight configuration
Jason-1 readies for launch in its bay at Vandenberg, AFB (10/31/01)
Jason-1 readies for launch in its bay at Vandenberg, AFB (10/31/01)
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
This is an artist's concept of the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft.
Artist's concept of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich
High Resolution Jason-1 launch images
High Resolution Jason-1 launch images
Early morning at the launch pad
Early morning at the launch pad
TOPEX/Poseidon Instruments
TOPEX/Poseidon Instruments
OSTM/Jason-2 Artist's Concept
OSTM/Jason-2 Artist's Concept
SSH and SST - Indian Ocean
SSH and SST - Indian Ocean
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel