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California Institute of Technology
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TOPEX/Poseidon Ground Tracks
August 1, 2000
TOPEX/Poseidon Ground Tracks
Our planet is changing. Our ocean is rising. And it affects us all. That’s why a new international satellite will continue the decades-long watch over our global ocean and help us better understand...
Behind the Spacecraft – Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich
QuickTime VR of TOPEX/Poseidon
QuickTime VR of TOPEX/Poseidon
Inside half of the Delta Clam shell faring
Inside half of the Delta Clam shell faring
Jason-1 Poster
Jason-1 Poster
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich will join a long-standing family of Earth observing satellites from NASA and European partners.
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Satellite Family Tree
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
Oceans' Role in Climate - Jason-1
Oceans' Role in Climate - Jason-1
Jason-3 on the Launch Pad
Jason-3 on the Launch Pad
Jason-1: LRA instrument
Jason-1: LRA instrument
Here we provide side by side comparisons of Pacific Ocean sea surface height (SSH) anomalies of what is presently happening in 2015 with the Pacific Ocean signal during the famous 1997 El Niño.
El Niño: 1997 vs. 2015
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
Jason-3 Satellite Prepared For Launch
Jason-3 Satellite Prepared For Launch
Altimeter Mission Series
Altimeter Mission Series
Sea levels across the globe are rising as a result of a changing climate — and the rate at which they are rising is accelerating. NASA Science Live was recorded Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020, and featured...
NASA Science Live: Rising Seas
High Resolution Jason-1 launch images
High Resolution Jason-1 launch images
Jason-1 on top of the DPAF
Jason-1 on top of the DPAF
Sea Surface Height - Global Average from 1993 - 2011.
Sea Surface Height 1993 - 2011
Ariane 42P launch vehicle
Ariane 42P launch vehicle
For over 20 years NASA has been tracking the global surface topography of the ocean in order to understand the important role it plays in our daily lives. Climate change is causing our Ocean to war...
NASA's Earth Minute: Sea Level Rise
SSH and SST - Global
SSH and SST - Global
In many communities in the U.S., sea level rise is already a factor in people’s lives in the form of high-tide flooding.
Rising Waters: High Tide Flooding
Jason-1 launch images
Jason-1 launch images
Early morning at the launch pad
Early morning at the launch pad
Growing up in landlocked Zimbabwe, NASA JPL engineer Shailen Desai was far from the ocean but still experienced its effects on the climate. Now, he is contributing to an international effort to tra...
NASA Engineer Helps Track the Global Impacts of Rising Seas