Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
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TOPEX/Poseidon Launch
August 10, 2000
TOPEX/Poseidon Launch
Jason-1 readies for launch in its bay at Vandenberg, AFB (10/31/01)
Jason-1 readies for launch in its bay at Vandenberg, AFB (10/31/01)
Jason-3 Ready for Launch
Jason-3 Ready for Launch
The Argo stop-motion animation aims to inspire children (and adults) to engage with marine science. It is quirky, fun and informative at the same time. The animation explains what an Argo float is,...
Argo Floats : How do we measure the ocean?
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch footage
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Launch Footage
Jason-1 Launch - Artists Concept
Jason-1 Launch - Artists Concept
t - 12 minutes
t - 12 minutes
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
Oceans of Climate Change
Oceans of Climate Change
Growing up in landlocked Zimbabwe, NASA JPL engineer Shailen Desai was far from the ocean but still experienced its effects on the climate. Now, he is contributing to an international effort to tra...
NASA Engineer Helps Track the Global Impacts of Rising Seas
This illustration shows the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft in orbit above Earth with its deployable solar panels extended.
Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Artist's Rendering
El Niño/La Niña - (12/1996 - 01/2000)
El Niño/La Niña - (12/1996 - 01/2000)
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is lifted to vertical at Space Launch Complex 4
Sentinel-6 on pad at SLC-4, VAFB
OSTM/Jason-2 Artist's Concept
OSTM/Jason-2 Artist's Concept
High Resolution Jason-1 launch images
High Resolution Jason-1 launch images
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Dual Payload Attach Fitting (DPAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/13/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
These photos were taken during the Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) mating operation with Jason-1. (11/14/01) Photos: Scott Michel
Watch the Jason-3 Science Briefing from Friday, Jan 15, 2016 - panelists discussed the science and research of the Jason-3 mission.
The Science of Jason-3
For NASA engineer Shannon Statham, building spacecraft is all about being creative.
From Tuning Antennas to Making Dresses, Engineer Puts the A in STEAM
The SpaceX Falcon 9 with the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite is lifted to vertical at Space Launch Complex 4
Sentinel-6 on pad at SLC-4, VAFB
It's hard to "see" sea level rise by just looking at the ocean, but its effects are very real.
Earth Science Basics: Sea Level Rise
Oceans' Role in Climate - Jason-1
Oceans' Role in Climate - Jason-1
For NASA JPL engineer Parag Vaze, studying Earth’s rising ocean has been a career three decades in the making.
NASA Engineer Observes Sea Level Rise from Space for 30 Years
The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich spacecraft lifts off from Space Launch Complex 4 at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, Nov. 21, 2020, at 9:17 a.m. PST
Sentinel-6 Launch
The ocean is responsible for Earth's mild climate and makes life on Earth possible for all creatures.
Earth: The Water Planet
On the left is Sea Surface Height Anomalies (SSHA) relative to the sea level mean (1993-2018). On the right is Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) with the sea level trend as the straight line. The data a...
Sea Surface Height Anomalies and Global Mean Sea Level