Ocean Surface Current Analysis - Real time (OSCAR)
(Cheney, Mitchum, Lagerloef, Bonjean, others)
Ocean Surface Current Analysis - Real time (OSCAR) is a pilot processing system and data center providing operational ocean surface velocity fields from satellite altimeter and vector wind data. Surface currents are computed from satellite altimeter and vector wind data using methods developed during the Topex/Poseidon mission. OSCAR is a transition to operational oceanographic applications using Jason altimeter data. The regional focus is the tropical Pacific, where the value for a variety of users is demonstrated, specifically for fisheries management and recruitment, monitoring debris drift, larvae drift, oil spills, fronts and eddies, as well as on-going large scale ENSO monitoring, NOAA's CoastWatch, and climate diagnostics and prediction programs. Other potential uses include search and rescue, naval and maritime operations.