Analysis of kinetic energy and structure functions from along-track and crossover altimeter data
Don Chambers - (University Of South Florida, Tampa)
Dr. Liang, Xinfeng (University Of South Florida, Tampa)
Prof. Galperin, Boris (University Of South Florida, Tampa)
The position of the satellite in satellite altimetry directly effects the accuracy of the measurement of sea surface height. A radial error of 1 cm in positioning is a one cm error in the sea surface height. Over the years, our team has driven the errors in precise orbit determination (POD) of altimetry satellites down to the sub-cm level. We wish to continue our quest to improve precision orbit determination with a focus on GPS data for altimetry missions, which started Topex/Poseidon and continued through JASON-1 and JASON-2. We will continue to improve our force modeling and data processing techniques applying them to both historical data and the upcoming JASON-3 satellite. For JASON-3 we will perform the necessary on-orbit tuning of the POD force model and data processing to quickly obtain orbits with accuracy comparable to the best determined JASON-2 orbits. Over the life of the four-year proposal, we intend to make significant improvements in the POD of Topex/Poseidon and the JASON series. These efforts will address both random and systematic POD errors including long-term systematic errors effecting climate studies.